Saturday, August 3, 2013


I have been out day and night searching for my Nina. I don't want to do anything drastic, as that would set a bad example for my little girl, but at the same time I have found no sign of her at all and I can't bear to think of what must be happening to her right now.

So I took Morningstar's suggestion, sort of. If you're looking for a missing child, looking for people nearby who are known to prey on children makes sense. I'm horrified at how many there are here in this town. Tonight, after making some preparations, I'm going to check out the home of the closest one.


  1. Breaking into a sex offender's home is a horribly dangerous idea. Please be careful Lily.

  2. Just a waste of your time, you won't find her there, still don't understand what gave you the impression that she was kidnapped, other than Skywalker suggesting that possibility, but please, do go along and kill yourself, only don't go out without a bang, as that would be rather boring.

  3. Listen to me: this 'little girl' is far more dangerous than anything else that you have faced. She will make you forget about anything and anyone. Including Sam. She killed the dog. The dog that was watching over you when you were trying to rescue Sam? Remember how you found that dog's blood and fur next to you when you woke up? Remember how this 'child' appeared then? She is trying to take over your life. I tried warning you on that first day, and I'll try again now. Focus on everything, but her. Don't forget about Sam. He's still out there, waiting for you. Sam needs you.

    Honestly, though. I think you might be too far gone to understand any of this. -- Jack

    1. Hit you in the feels didn't he Skywalker? I mean such a reaction, what? Are you afraid that he will actually be able to knock some sense into Lily there?

    2. Subject: Morningstar
      Status of timbers: shivered

    3. Oh, and Morningstar? I don't know if anyone told you this, but the world is not here solely to entertain you with our miseries. Why in fuck do you think Jack was commenting with you on his mind? He was clearly thinking of Lily, not you.

    4. Oh Right. Jack has suddenly become charitable has he? Look. Anything with Jack ANYWHERE NEAR it makes me rattled. He tends to fuck things up in unexpected ways.

    5. Well, you seemed to think he was trying to annoy you. And I'm telling you the world doesn't revolve around you.

    6. Wow, someone doesn't like being told they're not that special.

      And you call ME arrogant? Jesus Henrietta Christ, man, get a fucking grip.

    7. Grip, you think he had one from the beginning?

      You know what this little freak out of he's reminds me of? Ever seen such a scene play out, where a kid really wants a toy and their parents tell them "Nope" and the kid just throws a tantrum, yelling stuff like he deserves that toy and such. And then the kid gets spanked in public.

      Exactly what this seems like and now I'm laughing.

    8. I just can't fathom this. Why did he flip shit on me?

    9. I tend to be liked by random people, for reasons I can not fathom.

      Oh well.

    10. You keep killing people and proxies, and I will keep on liking you. And that is a good way to lead a long and happy life.

    11. I knew we would like each other.

    12. Well, don't kill me.

      You shouldn't've started talking to me. You probably should've just kept on threatening me so I would stay scared and shy and not talk to you.

      Besides, I was kinda lonely growing up, how'd you like to not have anyone to talk to.

    13. Believe me Sanna. I would have preferred it.

      YOU brought this on YOURSELF. I'll kill you. Sooner or later. I just need a good excuse to hop over the pond for a few days.

    14. I'm very sorry to hear that. And I am very sorry I have hurt you to the extent where you feel you can only find peace in killing me.

      Still, YOU brought this on YOURSELF by TALKING TO ME! Kill me? Pfft, that the worst you can do?

    15. Oh now YOU think you're special do you?

      Nope. But again. Not special enough for that treatment.

    16. ALSO....!!!!

      Star, you said it was your birthday soon and that no one had ever given you a present. So when exactly is you birthday, because I have a very small tiny present, which isn't much, but hey.

    17. So much fun. I think it may be a while before I can actually stop laughing. Morningstar, since when does what I do interest you? Seriously, if you have to know, I'm only offering help to her (and a few others) because of a (quite annoying) deal that I had made with someone. Besides, I can be kind and charitable. Sometimes. When I feel like it. -- Jack

    18. Morningstar, have a Snickers. You start writing like Frank Miller when you're hungry.



    19. Pre-Sin City or Post-Sin City Frank Miller?

    20. All-Star Batman & Robin. You can't call it Post-Sin City because I'm pretty sure he still thinks he's writing Sin City.


    21. Self-righteous? I've never claimed to be the 'good guy'.

      Do I have to spell this out for you, Fracture? This is something I don't think you understand about me. If you knew me, or you had read my blog, you would know this:

      I am a fucking killer and I rather enjoy it, and I am a terrible person, and I admit it.

      What I'm saying is, you're preaching to the choir, and you've been doing so for quite a while. I am very, very, very aware that I am just as bad as proxies. Tell me something I don't know.

      Finally, Morningstar is not a bear. He is a person. Ish. He is capable of rational thought. Bears avoid conflict as it stands, barring mama bears, and they do mock runs, essentially your bear analogy is terrible and bears all over the world have every right to tear your ass in two different directions and play Simon with it.

    22. What plan? The way I see it, he just wants to break Lily's morale of not killing anyone, by making her kill someone, that is all I see. Of course there could be a bigger picture, but I find it hard to believe that you can do something big with a Bum.

      But who am I kidding, everything is possible these days.

    23. I'll be honest. Kelly is pretty much right. Well. And I DO actually want to see Lily find her... HAHAHAH Daughter again. I really do. I always liked those guys.

      But once Lily kills someone GUESS WHAT? No turning back. This should help speed the process along. Hehehehe. What can I say? I am somewhat petty in my acts of Villainy.

      Also Sanna. You are not a fucking killer. You are a child who just happens to have killed a few people and not felt terribly bad about it. Trust me. I AM a Killer. I work with Killers and I have KILLED Killers.

    24. If you help people, you're a helper.

      If you preach to people, you're a preacher.

      If you employ people, you're an employer.

      If you kill people, you're a killer.

    25. One. Bears are very territorial and will kill you. Poking one is not wise. Most everything will avoid a fight but mankind is so very fragile.

      Star and Kel' El, it might not be a convoluted super villain plan but I do believe you have one. A deeper seeded reason. The way you freak out and yell when someone compares you to David Banks is a good indicator of such.

      Sanna, I believe that makes you a self-righteous-bitcher. Because you make yourself out to be a self righteous bitch. Sure you've never claimed yourself outright to be a 'good guy' but from what I've gathered in our endless stream of comments, you do consider yourself to be in the right. Justified.

    26. No, I don't. I just point out the shit your master does, and you guys don't like it.

    27. I know what Father does. I get a front row seat sometimes. I don't mind that. I mind your attitude.

    28. Well, pardon me. I'd say I wasn't well brought up, but perhaps more to the point, I wasn't brought up.

  4. You do realize that being labelled as a sex offender is rather black and white. I'm not saying that they all have a justifiable excuse but for some it could be a situation where(depending on the age of consent laws) it could have been an 18 year old who had sex with his 16 year old girlfriend. Or two teenagers could have been sexting pictures of themselves. While there is still the chance that they will harm you, you may end up doing something that you'll regret.

